
Guiding You, Not Controlling Your Relationships

Tags: boundaries, core values, expectations, having standards in relationships, healthy boundaries, perfectionism, relationship expectations, self-sabotage,…

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Uncovering Hidden Anger is Good for Our Self-Worth and Intimate Relationships

Tags: Anger, avoiding feelings, buried feelings, childhood trauma, confusion, emotional baggage, expressing feelings, feeling unworthy,…

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Feel Better About Yourself with a “What I Did Today” List

Tags: efforting, efforting style of people pleasing, emotional bandwidth, feeling overwhelmed and overcommitted, how to…

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Perfectionism Makes Us Feel Unworthy and Blocks Loving Relationships

Tags: acceptance, efforting, feeling unworthy, how to build your self-esteem, inverted narcissism, people pleasing, perfectionism,…

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What Is It, and How Do We Stop?

Tags: Anger, disappointment, honesty, inverted narcissism, Over-Givers, over-responsible, overthinking, people pleasing, perfectionism, recognising your feelings,…

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