
Think of some of the things that you’ve been hard on yourself about. You know, the ones where you’ve called you a “fool”, “stupid”, a “failure”, “loser”, “reject” (or insert your insult of choice), and where you haven’t been able to forgive you and where you feel as if you need to keep reminding you of your screw-up lest you forget the ‘horrors’ of it and repeat it. How’s that working out for you? 

  • Do you feel good?
  • Do you feel loved, heard, cared for, forgiven?
  • Do you feel confident?
  • Do you evolve out of experiences due to the positive insights you gained and self-compassion?

Being hard on yourself, especially on a habitual basis, are expressions of contempt. You’re weaponising self-criticism and being your own worst critic. There’s no perspective or compassion; you’re being unforgiving. These critical judgments form part of your narrative, a backing track fueling your inner critic. By being hard on yourself, you protect you from what you on some level, along with your inner critic, think is a bigger future pain. The exaggeration of your past actions or flaws blocks vulnerability. 

Being hard on yourself is harmful not helpful, demotivating you while robbing you of willpower, perspective, and a healthy self-image

If your tendency is to be hard on yourself, you’re doing the same thing and expecting different results. If being hard on you worked, it would have worked by now. It’s not because you’re “not good enough” why the criticism isn’t working; you’re using a hammer where you need a hug. Practising self-compassion is crucial in overcoming self-criticism. You have to actively choose to be kinder to yourself in instances where your habit is to go hard.

Building your self-esteem doesn’t have to be hard. Discover how just minutes a day with ‘100 Days of Baggage Reclaim’ can bring impactful mindset shifts, practical tips, and transformative tools.

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Baggage Reclaim with Natalie Lue

#Breaking #Free #Hammer #SelfCriticism