Can you believe it’s been four years since the “rural rival” story broke? It’s true. Throughout March and April of 2019, shady little stories began popping up in the Sun and Daily Mail about the then-Duchess of Cambridge’s falling out with her Norfolk neighbor Rose Hanbury aka the Marchioness of Cholmondeley. Over the years, I’ve put together a working theory on how all of it happened: Prince William and Rose (allegedly) had a torrid Affair, likely in 2017 and 2018. The affair was an open secret in Norfolk society and those toffs just shrugged. Then Kate found out about the affair and tried to push her “rural rival” out of the Turnip Toffs, and Rose said: no, bitch, that’s not the way it works. The original leaks came from Rose and the Toffs laughing about the affair and Kate’s cluelessness when it came to navigating aristo dramas.

In any case, Rose won – she’s still the queen bee of the Turnip Toffs, she still operates one of the best estates in Norfolk and she’s still welcome in royal circles. Kate and William both had to go to events with the Rocksavages, from state dinners to the opening of Parliament to Sandringham church walks. What’s even funnier is that King Charles is making a point of including Rose and her husband even more – Charles appointed David as his Lord-in-Waiting, and Rose and David’s son Oliver will be one of the king’s pages at the coronation. All of which means, Rose is going to the coronation. From The Daily Beast’s shady exclusive:

Rose Hanbury, the neighbor of the Prince and Princess of Wales who was the subject of baseless rumors that she had an affair with Prince William, will attend the coronation, The Daily Beast understands. Rose will likely attend not only because she is the spouse of David Cholmondeley (pronounced Chumley), 7th Marquess of Cholmondeley, who has been named as King Charles’ Lord-in-Waiting, but also because her son, Oliver, has been named as one of the king’s pages, tasked with holding the robes of the king, alongside Prince George.

A friend of the family told The Daily Beast: “There has never been any enmity between Kate and Rose. The rumors were all a load of rubbish. The family are ancient allies of the Crown and they will be there.”

Concurring with this view, another friend of the king and queen told The Daily Beast it would be “unimaginable” that David wouldn’t be at the coronation with his wife.

However, Buckingham Palace is not confirming individual RSVPs and did not respond to an email seeking confirmation of Rose’s attendance. An email on the matter to the estate address listed on the Houghton Hall website also went unreturned.

A Marquess (and his wife, a Marchioness) holds the fourth most senior rank in the British nobility (behind King/Queen, Prince/Princess, and Duke/Duchess). The Cholmondeleys are particularly notable, however, as they are hereditary co-holders of the office of Lord Great Chamberlain. The role—which involves welcoming the monarch to the Houses of Parliament and dressing them for state events—alternates between the Cholmondeleys and the Carrington family with each change of reign.

This meant that David was Lord Great Chamberlain until the death of Elizabeth. However instead of being cast aside by the royals on Elizabeth’s death, he was named Lord-in-Waiting by the king, meaning he will be present at all important state and royal occasions and can even stand in for the king at diplomatic events. He is only 62, and is likely to still be alive when Charles dies and the role of Lord Great Chamberlain reverts to his family. He is therefore likely to be William’s Lord Great Chamberlain when William accedes to the throne.

[From The Daily Beast]

LMAO, David will be William’s Lord Great Chamberlain. Good luck with all of that. The Royalist also did a little background on the whole “rural rival” story and he name-checks Giles Coren, who was one of the society writers in the UK saying yes, there was an affair between Rose and William. Interestingly, Giles Coren’s name popped up recently in that sugary piece about Tom Parker Bowles, Queen Camilla’s son, and how Tom is the “firm’s new secret weapon.” Tom and Giles are close friends. Meaning… there are all kinds of connections and if you told me that Camilla had been pulling on some strings, I would believe you.

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Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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