Robert Jobson’s latest royal book, Our King, has been widely and gleefully excerpted in the UK and America. In addition to being one of the most vile royal commentators, Jobson is pretty much devoted to spreading gossip straight from King Charles, Queen Camilla and their people. I had my doubts about that years ago, but I was wrong – everything coming out of Jobson’s mouth is explicitly or implicitly from C&C. Meaning, Charles and Camilla definitely want to push the Princess of Wales back, and the knives are out. It feels like C&C want to blame the larger Sussexit fallout on Kate in particular. Which is fascinating. But we shouldn’t sleep on the fact that Jobson also got some briefings about how Prince William is a short-tempered, impatient nutcase.

Prince William is not always the easiest person to work with, according to a new royal book.

“He can be difficult,” a senior royal household figure told author Robert Jobson for his recently released biography, “Our King: Charles III: The Man and the Monarch Revealed.“

“He is a driven person and that can make him impatient,” the source continued about the newly anointed Prince of Wales, 40.

The insider compared him to King Charles, 74, who apparently possesses more patience.

“That can make William short-tempered when dealing with Charles,” they added. “The Boss (Charles) has a temper, too, but it does not go on and on. He can get frustrated and flare up and then, in an instant, it is forgotten about. With William, it is rarely forgotten.”

[From Page Six]

Something interesting about Robert Jobson is that he churned out a biography of William last year, and he used much stronger language to describe William. In that book (William at 40), Jobson detailed how William can be “offhand and volatile” and that William has always lacked deference to his father, and that William was constantly losing his mind and throwing screaming tantrums in front of Charles and AT Charles. Jobson also reported in that book that everyone around William knows that he has a “notably short fuse” and he regularly screams at staff. But, you know, the Black duchess sent a jet-lagged email. Anyway… the Prince of Wales is “difficult.” A very Difficult Diva, always engorged with incandescent rage, always flying off the handle, always screaming and shrieking at everyone and everything. Oh, and he’s violent too.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images.

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