We independently selected these deals and products because we love them, and we think you might like them at these prices. E! has affiliate relationships, so we may get a commission if you purchase something through our links. Items are sold by the retailer, not E!. Prices are accurate as of publish time.

As much as we love keeping tabs on our favorite brands and monitoring any & all sales, there are those rare times when something inevitably slips under our radar. Sometimes, we just have to cut our losses and lament the new outfits, decor, and accessories that will never find their way to us. But at other times, we’re able to catch a deal just in time before it flies away from us. Today happened to be one of those lucky days, and the first thing we wanted to do before sprinting for our credit cards was spill the tea with you, bestie. Let’s be honest: It’s almost the weekend (finally!), and we could all use a little retail therapy right now with how busy & chaotic life has been lately.

Walmart has been quietly putting a significant portion of products on sale, and the savings are straight-up unbelievable. The deals are so impressive that it would even be an understatement to call them Black Friday-worthy. No matter what you’re shopping for, Walmart’s Flash Deals include something for everyone, from patio furniture & kitchen finds to home decor, pet essentials & so much more.

But here’s the catch. These Flash Deals end tomorrow, March 15, so you need to get moving if you want to get in on these mind-blowing savings that you need to see to fully believe. Let’s go, go, go!

Kids & Teens stay free at Moon Palace in Cancun or Jamaica. Book now!

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