We independently selected these deals and products because we love them, and we think you might like them at these prices. E! has affiliate Relationships, so we may get a commission if you purchase something through our links. Items are sold by the retailer, not E!. Prices are accurate as of publish time.

If you can’t make it to the spa, bring the spa home to you. Take your skincare to the next level with the Solawave light therapy skincare wand, which is also an E! Shopping Editor favorite. This award-winning product works in just five minutes to deliver four non-invasive, skin-boosting technologies, according to the brand. If you’ve had your eye on this, it’s available as an Amazon Big Spring Sale 2024 deal.

The Solawave 4-in-1 Advanced Skincare Wand delivers light therapy, microcurrent, facial massage, and therapeutic warmth in one quick treatment. This product addresses so many major skincare concerns including acne breakouts, puffy under-eye skin, and fine lines. it even boosts your skin’s glow. 

You’ve seen this tool all over TikTok and you can save 44%… until it sells out.

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