Former Playboy model Holly Madison revealed more disturbing details about her time living in the Playboy mansion with Hugh Hefner.

“They would have these trays everywhere, like in every bathroom, out on the tennis courts, by the pool, and it would be a tray with Kleenex, Pepto Bismol, Vaseline, baby oil, sunscreen — any kind of makeshift lube,” Holly, 44, said in an interview with People published on Monday, March 24. “It was weird.”

The podcast host also added that guests weren’t just using the tennis courts for a quick game of tennis and instead, “people were out on the tennis court doing the deed.”

Holly also confessed she wasn’t quite sure what the Pepto Bismol was used for, and said that she and former Playboy model Bridget Marquardt talked about it on their podcast, “Girls Next Level.”

“I was talking about it on the podcast, I’m like, ‘What is the Pepto Bismol for? Is that hangovers?’” Holly joked.

Holly has been a strong advocate for those harmed by the adult film entertainment industry, and she’s now posed to host a new true crime docuseries, Lethally Blonde. The series will feature stories of victims within that world.

“I love being a part of a show that’s exactly the type of show I would watch even if I wasn’t involved. And to be able to talk about a world I know and tell so many different stories — and try to get to know the victims better and portray them as more than just a clickbait headline — is really satisfying for me,” Holly revealed to People on Tuesday, March 25.

Holly Madison Says Playboy Mansion Had Trays of ‘Makeshift Lube’
Victor Spinelli / Getty Images

Holly has long been outspoken about her time with Hef, who died at the age of 81 in 2017, and she exclusively told In Touch in January that she was forced to abide by certain rules while living in the mansion.

“You were always expected to look a certain way, maintain your hair color, behave a certain way,” Holly explained. “It just kind of overall gave me the feeling of walking on eggshells at all times. I wore red lipstick and found out the hard way that Hef didn’t like it.”

The Girls Next Door alum also revealed that she “never felt protected” by Hef when she was in a Relationship with him. She said that “there wasn’t even social media at the time,” and “there was a lot of trash talking and bullying online like we see today with so many things.”

Holly continued, “If somebody would come out, like if Hef had an ex-girlfriend that would come out and talk trash about me or anybody else who was there at the time, you know, he never stuck up for us or anything like that. It was just kind of like collateral damage unfortunately.”

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