
Spring nail colours usually call to mind pastels like lilac, baby pink, and light yellow. But the curveball nail trend of the season — aka ‘stone nails’ — is an unlikely shade: grey.

Before you cry out in protest (“Haven’t we had enough grey this winter?”), know that stone nails aren’t your typically gloomy grey. Yes, springtime is all about fresh and bright colours, but believe it or not, there’s a way to make grey feel cheerful too.

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As a matter of fact, influencer Alix Earle has deemed stone nails her favourite manicure of the season. In a recent TikTok, she brought followers along to the nail salon to search for the perfect grey colour – which she clarified isn’t a true grey but more of a blue-grey that resembles a polished stone.

“I have been really obsessed with a grey colour, but more of a stone colour that almost looks light blue,” Earle says in the video. “I’m gonna see if we can find that.”

Earle ended up selecting OPI Suzi Talks With Her Hands, a grey-blue polish with a glossy finish, and paired it with long almond-shaped nails.

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