
But once the blow-dry was finished I was quite pleasantly surprised. It looked smoother, sleeker, with no fly-away hair and no frizz.

But it wasn’t until I’d slept on it that this product really showed its strength. My blow-dry remained almost perfect. I got three compliments that day, asking if I’d had my hair done! I’ve used it a few times since and, now that I’m used to the texture, I can honestly say I love it. What can I say, Zara, you’re not just a great clothes horse. And I will never again judge a product by its cover.

Emily, GLAMOUR’s Associate Manager, Social Media

Image may contain Blonde Hair Person Bottle Cosmetics <a href=perfume Accessories Jewelry and Necklace” class=”ResponsiveImageContainer-eybHBd fptoWY responsive-image__image” src=”https://media.glamourmagazine.co.uk/photos/65de0b1c2f3bda56f019af07/master/w_1600%2Cc_limit/ZARA%2520HAIR%2520270224%25209914A6DE-42A8-4CD3-8F86-AA09BCC19AE9_P.jpg” srcset=”https://media.glamourmagazine.co.uk/photos/65de0b1c2f3bda56f019af07/master/w_120,c_limit/ZARA%20HAIR%20270224%209914A6DE-42A8-4CD3-8F86-AA09BCC19AE9_P.jpg 120w, https://media.glamourmagazine.co.uk/photos/65de0b1c2f3bda56f019af07/master/w_240,c_limit/ZARA%20HAIR%20270224%209914A6DE-42A8-4CD3-8F86-AA09BCC19AE9_P.jpg 240w, https://media.glamourmagazine.co.uk/photos/65de0b1c2f3bda56f019af07/master/w_320,c_limit/ZARA%20HAIR%20270224%209914A6DE-42A8-4CD3-8F86-AA09BCC19AE9_P.jpg 320w, https://media.glamourmagazine.co.uk/photos/65de0b1c2f3bda56f019af07/master/w_640,c_limit/ZARA%20HAIR%20270224%209914A6DE-42A8-4CD3-8F86-AA09BCC19AE9_P.jpg 640w, https://media.glamourmagazine.co.uk/photos/65de0b1c2f3bda56f019af07/master/w_960,c_limit/ZARA%20HAIR%20270224%209914A6DE-42A8-4CD3-8F86-AA09BCC19AE9_P.jpg 960w, https://media.glamourmagazine.co.uk/photos/65de0b1c2f3bda56f019af07/master/w_1280,c_limit/ZARA%20HAIR%20270224%209914A6DE-42A8-4CD3-8F86-AA09BCC19AE9_P.jpg 1280w, https://media.glamourmagazine.co.uk/photos/65de0b1c2f3bda56f019af07/master/w_1600,c_limit/ZARA%20HAIR%20270224%209914A6DE-42A8-4CD3-8F86-AA09BCC19AE9_P.jpg 1600w” sizes=”100vw”/>

I have been searching for a new favourite hairspray for some time now. My hair is quite long and tends to do its own thing – I often find that hairsprays either make my hair too stiff or have an unpleasant odour that gives me a headache.

In the past, I have tried various hair products and finally settled on a coconut-scented hairspray and a separate shine spray. However, the Zara Hair Hair Spray doubles as a hairspray and shine spray all in one bottle, which I’m delighted about.

Firstly, can we take a moment to appreciate this bottle? Alright, maybe I’m a little biased because orange is my favourite colour, but the shape and texture of this hairspray bottle are simply gorgeous. It has a matte finish, which is something I’ve never seen in a hairspray before, and a bronzy, orangey metallic lid. Just looking at it in the morning is enough to put me in a better mood for the day.

I found that the Zara Hair Hair Spray dispenses a good amount of product with each spray and it distributed evenly throughout my hair. Compared to other hairsprays I’ve used in the past, this one has a much nicer scent, which I really appreciate. Additionally, I was pleased with the shiny finish it gave my hair and the longevity of the product as my hair held all day.


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