Lori Vallow Daybell was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole on Monday — and revealed in her statement just how out of touch with reality she still is.

The so-called “cult mom” was convicted in May for the 2019 killings of her 16-year-old daughter Tylee Ryan, her 7-year-old son Joshua “J.J.” Vallow, and her husband’s first wife, Tammy Daybell. Lori apparently was a follower of her husband Chad Daybell‘s doomsday cult and believed — among other things — that she was a “goddess” and her children were “zombies.” She moved her family to Idaho to be with him. But after a family member got worried about the kids, police investigated and found they were missing. Nearly a year later they were found buried in Chad’s yard. Tylee had been dismembered. Soon after it was discovered that Tammy’s death, which was previously thought to be natural causes, was also murder.

Related: Smoking Gun In Vallow’s Murder Case?

Lori was sentenced on Monday to consecutive life sentences for the murders, as well as 10 years for collecting government payments for her children despite knowing they were already dead. (Chad will face his own trial soon.)

Before the sentencing, the 50-year-old was given the opportunity to make a statement. Instead of remorse, she invoked the Bible and said she had visited heaven and was in touch with Jesus Christ and her two children and Tammy. She said:

“Jesus knows me and Jesus understands me. I mourn with all of you who mourn my children and Tammy. Jesus Christ knows the truth of what happened here. Jesus Christ knows no one was murdered in this case. Accidental deaths happen, suicides happen, fatal side effects of medications happen.”

Accidental dismemberment and burial in the yard? She continued with her delusions, saying:

“I have access to heaven and the spirit world. I have had many communications from people now living in heaven, including my children, my sisters, my aunts and my uncle and my grandparents. I’ve had many communications with Jesus Christ and our heavenly parents, and many angelic visitors. Because of these communications I know for a fact that my children are happy and busy in the spirit world. I know my friend Tammy Daybell is also very happy and extremely busy.”

She even said little J.J. had visited her and told her, “You didn’t do anything wrong, Mom.”

Yeah, this is the opposite of remorse. Not only is she maintaining that she committed no crimes, she’s implying her victims are better off after being killed. Gross. No wonder the judge reacted how he did. Steven Boyce called her crimes “heinous and egregious,” telling her before handing down the sentence:

“You chose the most evil and destructive path possible… You justified all this by going down a bizarre religious rabbit hole — and clearly you are still down there.”

See Vallow’s full statement for yourself (below):


[Image via Madison County Sheriff’s Office/NBC/YouTube.]

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