
Over the last year, Prince William and Princess Kate have become more comfortable bringing their three young children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis along to public events. They’ve been introducing them to their royal roles slowly, but starting at last year’s Platinum Jubilee honoring Queen Elizabeth II’s 70 years on the throne, the youngest Windsors became a source of great media moments. It was especially clear during the coronation of King Charles III in May, when George had a major role as a page boy alongside a few friends and relatives.

According to family friends who spoke to People, Kate and William knew that George, who turns 10 on July 22, was under pressure during the ceremony, but they thought he was ready. One close source said it was a reflection of the fact that Kate and William “consciously set out to achieve a sense of normality,” and had the permission of King Charles and the late queen to put their family above royal duties.

It might come as no surprise to anyone who has followed Kate’s work on early childhood education, where she emphasizes the importance of safety and stability during the first five years of a child’s life. A friend told the magazine that Kate and William wanted to make sure their children were on a good footing in their early years. “Royal families over the generations haven’t had the chance to get those foundations right, but they have,” says a friend.

A source in the royal household told People that Kate’s own upbringing outside of the aristocratic fold, where boarding schools and nannies are much more common, helped shape her approach as well. “Coming from a different background, she appreciates the importance of having family time,” the source said. “She wasn’t brought up in that aristocratic setting where you see the children for a short time each day.”

When George was born in July 2013, William and Kate spent his first few weeks living with Kate’s parents, Michael and Carole Middleton at their home outside of the royal fold. Eventually they moved to Anmer Hall, a country house on the Sandringham Estate gifted to them by the late queen, where they were able to live in relative seclusion while still keeping their apartment in Kensington Palace.

But in recent years, the Couple has begun to put more emphasis on royal duties and engagements. Last fall, all three children began attending school at Lambrook, a private school in Berkshire, and the family moved to Adelaide Cottage in Windsor, close to the castle where they frequently host events and hold meetings. 

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