
The “people also ask” feature on Google is a beautiful and terrifying thing. It can be a revealing look into the psyches and assumptions of humankind, our fascinations and curiosities. For example, a search of “Goldie Hawn Kurt Russell” shows us that “people” are wondering: How long have Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell been married?

We’d like to be the first to wish the Couple a happy zeroth anniversary, this year and every year, forever and ever. Best wishes!

Though Hawn and Russell have been a couple for 40 years and had a child, Wyatt Russell, together, that knot will stay untied, according to Hawn. In a clip posted Thursday, when Relationship-wallace-contd-wtcw-vpx.cnn” target=”_blank”>asked by CNN’s Chris Wallace why they hadn’t gotten married after all this time, the 77-year-old Hawn shot back, “Why should we get married? Isn’t that a better question?”

Owned, Wallace!

She went on to explain that both actors had been married and divorced before (Hawn twice, to Gus Trikonis and then to Bill Hudson, with whom she had children Oliver Hudson and Kate Hudson; Russell to Season Hubley, resulting in son Boston Russell), and divorce isn’t their favorite flavor.

“When it doesn’t work out, it ends up to be big business,” Hawn said of divorce. “Somebody has to own something, it’s always ugly. Somebody has to–actually, take a look and say how many divorces are fun? How many divorces actually don’t cost money? How many divorces actually make you hate the person more than you did before? How many divorces have hurt children?”

She’s not here for it.

“I like the idea that I could wake up in the morning and make decisions every day if I wanna be here,” she said. It may have been four decades, but things can change. She described Relationships as “not always easy.”

“I think ultimately staying independent with independent thinking is important so you can hold onto yourself and actually have that feeling,” she said.

There are traditional gifts for each wedding anniversary—the first year is paper, the 14th is ivory, and so on—but we’ll be wrapping up our undying respect for Hawn to celebrate her unflinching answer to all those people who are “also asking.”


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