
Tom Holland is one of the most popular and talked-about stars at the moment: be it his work profile, his Relationship-with-zendaya-interesting-compares-it-with-gold-1228728″ onclick=”triggerArticleInterlinkClick(‘article_interlink_click’,’Tom Holland on his struggle with becoming sober, recalls feeling like he was \’enslaved\’ to drinking’,’1229637′,’https://www.pinkvilla.com/entertainment/hollywood/tom-holland-finds-romantic-relationship-with-zendaya-interesting-compares-it-with-gold-1228728′,’articlepage’,’/entertainment/hollywood/tom-holland-on-his-struggle-with-becoming-sober-recalls-feeling-like-he-was-enslaved-to-drinking-1229637′,’relationship with actress Zendaya’,’Content Inline Link’,’entertainment’,’hollywood’);”>relationship with actress Zendaya, or his personality that seems to have won the Internet. The 27-year-old actor has spoken up about his struggle to achieve sobriety and revealed how hard it was for him when he felt “enslaved” to wanting a drink.

Tom Holland on his struggle with becoming sober

During an appearance on the podcast On Purpose with Jay Shetty, Holland revealed how becoming sober was “the best thing” he has ever done but how hard it was to reach that stage. “I didn’t one day wake up and say, ‘I’m giving up drinking.’ I just, like many Brits, had had a very, very boozy December. Christmas time, I was on vacation, I was drinking a lot, and I’ve always been able to drink a lot,” he said and credited his mom’s genes for that.

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The Spiderman star added that he just decided to not drink during the month of January but it was a tough path for the actor. “All I could think about was having a drink. That’s all I could think about. I was waking up thinking about it. I was checking the clock, when’s it 12 pm?” Holland revealed that this behavior and his extreme craving to drink really scared him and he thought maybe does have an alcohol problem which is why he extended it to February.

He thought if he would punish himself with two months without drinking, then he would be able can prove to himself that he don’t really have an alcohol issue. “Two months go by and I was still really struggling. I felt like I couldn’t be social.” Holland further added, “I felt like I couldn’t go to the pub and have a lime soda. I couldn’t go out for dinner,” the actor said, referring to the British drink culture. He then extended the no-drinking pact to six months.

Tom Holland on achieving sobriety and its benefits

“By the time I got to June 1, I was the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. I could sleep better. I could handle problems better. Things that would go wrong on set, that would normally set me off, I could take in my stride. I had such better mental clarity. I felt healthier, I felt fitter,” Holland explained and then added that he wondered why he didn’t quit sooner. “I just sort of said to myself, like, ‘Why? Why am I enslaved to this drink? Why am I so obsessed by the idea of having this drink?'” the English actor recalled thinking to himself.

Holland added that it’s honestly been the best thing he has ever done and it has even inspired his mother to go sober. “She’s loving it, and it’s been amazing. I can’t believe the difference that I feel from not drinking. Yeah, I feel amazing,” he concluded. The actor recently starred in Apple TV’s thriller miniseries The Crowded Room as Danny Sullivan.

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