Jessel Taank, on behalf of all of us, it’s okay honey. This brand-new Real Housewives of New York gem certainly knows how to make an impression and show people what she’s made of. Literally.

Last night there was a big glamorous premier party for the rebooted New York franchise. Unfortunately, it was also a bevy of bodily fluids for one of the stars. Welcome to the fame game, Jessel! Page Six has the details.

The Rainbow Room will never be the same

Big party. Big nerves. And recovering from an international flight. These are a few of our unfavorite things. Amid the pomp and circumstance of being trotted out to the masses, it wasn’t Jessel’s best night.

But she looked amazing and really, that’s half the battle. She’s getting her first taste of publicity and it’s not for fighting, it’s for puking! Trust me when I say this, it could be worse. Several witnesses saw Jessel become quite ill and vomit “all over” the Rainbow Room.

An insider said, “She did it right on the carpet.” Another source added she had thrown up “another time, too.” She’s probably sitting home today completely embarrassed, not realizing on a comparative scale, she isn’t even close to reaching Level Leah McSweeney.

Others claim Jessel became very familiar with the restroom locations and headed to a private sanctuary to free up her intestinal distress. My god, can we as women not profusely puke into a sink without an audience anymore? Sheesh.

She apparently became queasy on the red carpet and dipped out after Andy Cohen made his opening speech. An attendee shared, “She looked very pale and wasn’t smiling or interacting with a lot of people. At one point, she sat at a table by herself to catch her breath for a bit, and people pretty much left her alone.”

She tried to make a run for it

Jessel had all her stuff gathered and tried to exit without further blessing the venue with the content of her insides. But she didn’t quite make it. A source shared, “She then stopped and puked at the top of the stairs. It seemed to be just liquid and was absorbed into the carpet pretty quickly.” Also, members of the Bravo public relations team assisted in navigating partygoers around the barf boundaries. They may or may not have shared that this is a normal event at network functions.

Poor Jessel was “holding her stomach and had her hand over her mouth” in an effort to contain the demons inside of her. But the power of Christ compelled her to get out immediately.

Don’t get it twisted – she wasn’t drunky, she was sicky. “She had flown in from Greece the night before and was running on no sleep. Absolutely no alcohol was involved. It really could’ve been lack of sleep,” an insider explained.

Tomorrow is another day, Jessel. See you Sunday!

Real Housewives of New York Season 14 premieres Sunday, July 16, at 9 PM ET on Bravo.


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