
Dog the Bounty Hunter

Dog the Bounty Hunter’s Daughter Disowns Him Over Homophobic Rant Against Dylan Mulvaney

Dog the Bounty Hunter has been put on blast by some of his own family members after he fired off a series of homophobic remarks during an interview with Christian ministry founder, Sharell Barrera. 

Dog the Bounty Hunter

Dog the Bounty Hunter, whose real name is Duane Chapman, “infuriated” some of his associates and loved ones when he launched into a rant on a Facebook livestream while sitting alongside his new wife, Francie Frane. 

Dog the Bounty Hunter

Dog the Bounty Hunter declared — “Jesus was not a sissy…he was not a sissy man.”

He also criticized fellow Christians who were not aggressively battling the push to teach children about “changing their sexuality.”

“They’ve got kids changing their sexuality,” the 70-year-old ranted. “They talk about tithing more than they do about what’s going on…. They’re so wacko themselves that where they have brought us all is to the gates of hell. So, we have to stop all that, rebuke them.”

“We don’t need no more sissy men … We need men and women that are willing to stand up against evil and speak the word of God,” he added, as his wife and Barrera cheered him on.  

Dog the Bounty Hunter

Dog also addressed the Bud Light controversy that exploded after the brand hired controversial, transgender social media influencer, Dylan Mulvaney. 

“People playing at church is what led to Bud Light. I’d like to get that punk down, rebuke Satan out of him, and just give him a Couple of black eyes. That’s exactly, and a mean that. If I ever see him I’m dropping him,” the former bail bondsman said, seemingly referring to Mulvaney. 

Dylan Mulvaney

Dog the Bounty Hunter even acknowledged that one of his family members is gay before reiterating — “That’s not the way God made us.”

“He didn’t make Adam and Steve, he made Adam and Eve. So, that’s exactly how it is,” he declared.

Dog the Bounty Hunter

Dog’s daughter, , took aim at her father’s comments, invoking the name of her late mother, Beth, who died of cancer in 2019. 

“My mother always taught us that hate is not a family value,” Cecily, 30, told RadarOnline.com.

“She also believed that God is love. She was proud to be surrounded by a diverse group of people including members of the LGBTQ community,” she added. “Today we saw The Bible used as a weapon to preach hate and for that, I will continue to pray for my father.”

Dog the Bounty Hunter

A second daughter, Lyssa Chapman, ripped her father in a scathing Facebook post calling his remarks “disgusting.”

“I’m honestly embarrassed to be mentioned on this hateful disgusting, trash spewing out of my father’s mouth,” she wrote. “You all know I’m a daddy’s girl and I love my father. However, this crosses a line.”

“I was not raised by this man, he was not this way until recently,” she added. “I have no idea why he continues to hate on the LGBTQ+ community… but I feel it (is) necessary to stand up for my community.”

Dog the Bounty Hunter

An insider told the outlet that Dog’s friends and family were shocked by his tirade. 

“As you can imagine, in the family circle, this is not going over very well at all,” the source said. “He basically said Lyssa Chapman is disgusting but he loves her.”

Dog the Bounty Hunter

“All of his friends and former workers are freaking out right now  and highly offended because years ago him and Beth did a ‘No Hate’ campaign to encourage tolerance against gay. Everybody is in utter shock right now.”


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