While I feel safe and secure in Joe Biden’s America, I also acknowledge that, at times, President Biden’s age bothers me. Now, I think Biden is pretty sharp for his age or any age, but I also think he’s an 80 years old doing one of the most stressful and time-consuming jobs in the world. I’m sure that he has staff who try to manage the situations he’s in, ensuring that he’s not standing for long lengths of time and that he works better when he can be seated and in control of the room. Which is fine with me – I don’t need an 80-year-old president to prove his physical vitality, nor do I need to see Biden shipped all over the world to glad-hand (although he’s very good at that still, to this day). So, British sources close to King Charles seem to be using President Biden’s age as the “excuse” for why Biden won’t make the effort to attend the coronation. This genuinely reads like Buckingham Palace is calling Biden too old to “do the job” and attend the Chubbly. Which is pretty f–king insulting.

Joe Biden is too old to travel across the Atlantic twice in a month to visit the UK for the King’s Coronation, it has been claimed. The Telegraph understands that the US president will reject Buckingham Palace’s invitation to the event on May 6.

Sources have pointed out he is scheduled to visit Northern Ireland for an event later this month, but those close to the President, 80, are also keen to restrict his international movements to avoid him becoming too tired to perform his domestic duties.

Mr Biden is shortly expected to announce his intention to stand again in the 2024 presidential race and is also travelling to the G7 summit in Japan next month.

A source close to discussions on his attendance of the Coronation said: “The guy is 80. They space out his big bursts of activity quite considerably. They did that too with Trump, and he was younger. When Biden does something like the State of the Union address, we didn’t see much from him in the following 48 hours. They don’t like to push him around the world too much.”

Officials in both London and Washington stressed Mr Biden has not yet formally decided whether to attend the Coronation and said it should not be interpreted as a snub to the British monarchy if he decides to remain in the United States.

[From The Telegraph]

True story: King Charles is only six years younger than Scorpio Joe. King Charles’s staffers also make special efforts to accommodate the aging king and ensure that he’s not on his feet constantly and that he doesn’t have a full schedule right after a taxing international flight. Why is Charles’s staff making this into a thing? Besides, I’m half Biden’s age and I would have a hell of a time recovering from a multi-day conference in Japan AND a trip to Northern Ireland all in one month, and I would cancel any unnecessary travel too. It’s like the palace can’t admit that… President Biden just doesn’t want to come and it won’t hurt him politically or diplomatically to avoid the Chubbly.

The British right-wing freakout is… crazy.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images.

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