As of this moment, Prince Harry still hasn’t confirmed his attendance at his father’s coronation either way. The longer this goes on, the more I hope/believe that he’s not going. It will be amazing if the Sussexes release a statement detailing all of the reasons why they aren’t going, if that’s what they decide. I mean, it’s been abundantly clear for months that the entire royal establishment is gearing up to treat them like sh-t, so I would love for a detailed explanation on how they feel about that. But they might choose a more convenient excuse. Perhaps they have their hearts set on celebrating Archie’s birthday in California. Perhaps Meghan is recording a new Archetypes podcast on that day. Perhaps… Harry needs to prepare for a polo match.

Prince Harry’s busy polo schedule has raised fresh questions over whether he will attend the coronation. A tournament at the Santa ­Barbara polo club in California, where he plays, is due to take place on the days before and after his father’s May 6 crowning in London.

Sources say Harry has not yet confirmed whether he will take part in the matches on May 5 and 7. And club officials yesterday declined to comment on the issue.

If his four-man team Los Padres does play they could find a sub to replace him for any games he misses.

A source said: “The club has received no word yet on Harry’s plans for the tournament. But he’s expected to play again this season. The speculation is that Harry will be returning for the coronation so probably won’t be taking part in the polo that weekend.”

[From The Sun]

Imagine the optics of Harry looking strong and sexy on a polo pony with Meghan cheering him on from the sidelines on coronation day. Perfect, that’s what I want now. I actually didn’t know that polo szn started so soon? I thought it was mostly a summer-month thing, but they’re playing polo in early May? I guess they are in Santa Barbara. If Harry does decide to play polo, that means he’s choosing his real brother Nacho over his trash family.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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