
Last November, Donald Trump announced that he was “running” for president again. That same week, Ivanka Trump announced that she wouldn’t be supporting his run in any way. As in, she wouldn’t work on his campaign or hang out with him whatsoever. She refused to be his fascist baby-whisperer. It wasn’t some bold show of integrity – Ivanka is no longer welcome in the same elite circles she moved in for years, and she’s trying to rebuild her life down in the American Taliban state of Florida. All she has is billions of dollars she grifted from foreign governments and no friends or political allies. Well, People Magazine has an update on that situation.

Ivanka Trump is continuing to keep her distance from her father, Donald Trump, as a grand jury weighs whether to indict the former president over an alleged hush money payment made to a porn star in 2016.

“Even though Ivanka loves her dad, she knows how impossible he can be,” a social source tells PEOPLE — though another person close to the former first daughter alleges there is no tension in their father-daughter Relationship, and that she’s simply focused on raising her children and building a life in Miami.

The initial source says that 41-year-old Ivanka “is recreating her business life and raising her children which are her priorities. She is through with politics.”

According to insiders, Ivanka has spent recent months traveling with her family and trying to ignore the negativity around her.

“She misses her active social life in New York, but is enjoying Miami and all that it has to offer,” the social source says. “She has started over and pursues interests in business, design, and being involved in the lives of her children.”

As far as the legal problems facing her father, the source says Ivanka is aware there is nothing she can do. “Donald does what he wants, and she can’t help him now,” the source says. “His help is in the hands of his lawyers and advisers. She is no longer working in that capacity.”

Another source, who ran in New York and Florida social circles with the former first daughter, told PEOPLE Ivanka misses her New York social life.

“She basically wants a new life to compensate for what she lost when she spent four years in her father’s Washington,” the person says. “She misses her active social life and group of friends.”

[From People]

Nothing will make up for what we lost, as a country, during the four years of the Trump administration. Like, I honestly don’t give a f–k if these fascist morons have no friends – they literally tried to overthrow the government, they literally did nothing as a deadly pandemic ravaged the country. But it does make me laugh that Ivanka’s dumbass isn’t welcome in the glittering society she craves. While Donald Trump was never accepted or welcome in those upper echelons, Ivanka was. She cultivated those Relationships, she was desperate to fit in with all of the cool people or the society people. Anyway, I wish this bitch would end up in jail alongside her father and her brothers. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

PS… People Magazine published this story before Trump was indicted. It’s even funnier now.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red and Backgrid.


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