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Welcome to Dear Sybersue Today I discuss the topic: Dating and Relationships Are a Continual Training Ground!

The best way to combat the drama and life lessons that come with dating or being in a relationship is to pay very close attention to any red flags early on! Be careful and very aware not to repeat any negative or unhealthy behavior that you have experienced in the past.

These life lessons are there to teach you something, and they are not meant to be learned over and over again.

Life lessons are meant to lead you to a much better place! You should be grateful for what you learned so that you can evolve to a much better place moving forward. If you don’t set boundaries with each new relationship that you allow in your life, there is a good chance that you will continue to have the same repetitive problems. You should always respect yourself first, which will keep you from permitting questionable relationships to form.

When you own your part in what transpired in a broken partnership, or why you didn’t get past the first 1–3 dates, is when you will start to change up what isn’t working. There is no shame in accepting and learning from those important lessons that we all go through in our lifetime.

Some people think when something is familiar, this is a good place to be, but if you’re repeating the same learning curve that isn’t working out, you need to get out of your comfort zone and try something new. Revisiting the same unhealthy dating and relationship scenarios is not an option if you are looking for a solid reciprocated partnership.

It’s really just about altering our stubborn mindset, but sometimes we make things harder than they really need to be.

Life hands us lemons so that we evolve to a higher place of self-worth!

Take time away from dating or being in a relationship until your head is clear. Change up your environment of where you frequent and who you regularly hang out with as well. Negative repetition is never a good place to put yourself when it comes to matters of the heart.

Some men and women actually get addicted to drama because they like the excitement that it can bring! Trust me when I say it is actually the wrong kind of excitement, and it will keep you going back to the drawing board faster each time! The sooner you understand what lesson you had to learn, the faster you will find your person that you are meant to share your life with.

If you were to fail a college exam, are you going to keep writing the same answers that got you to fail, or are you going to do the work to pass the test, so you can move on to graduate? The more work you do on yourself, the more clarity you will have with what it is that is most important to you in a partnership.

Understand that having a little hardship in life makes you so much stronger and helps you to appreciate and be grateful for what you do have.

We all make mistakes and some of us learn quickly from our actions while others take the long winding road around the training ground. The trick is to forgive yourself for some of those difficult choices you made and move on to a higher ground. Getting frustrated and not changing up your behavior not only keeps you stuck in an unhappy place, but it takes a big toll on your self-esteem as well. “Why can’t I meet someone who is right for me? Why is dating so hard? Why do my relationships never work out?”

You could also be getting yourself into situations because you don’t like to be without a partner. This is a very common scenario with many people, but unfortunately it can end up feeling like a merry-go-round that you don’t know how to get off. I always advise learning how to be alone and comfortable with who you are first, before you bring someone into your life.

It is important that you understand, at the end of the day, you are the one in charge of who you attract toward you and who you allow in your life.

You are in control of who that is, which means you also have the choice to remove them when it is not a good fit. Listen to your powerful instincts, which are always there to steer you in the right direction. Everyone comes into your life for a purpose, and they should be appreciated for whatever that reason was. It could be something you needed to learn about yourself, or there was something they needed to learn from you.

The most important thing with any dating situation or relationship, is knowing when to walk away and to be able to let someone go with a clear conscience. Always be kind and respectful to anyone you have shared a romantic encounter with. They deserve to have proper closure, so they can move on with dignity and self-respect.

Listening to your heart and your intellectual common sense will bring you closer to finding your special person because you truly comprehend what it is that you are looking for. Your partner should be an extension of who you already are as a person. As a couple, you should add more to each other’s world and bring out the best in each other. The training ground can be a very happy place when you learn what you are supposed to with each new encounter that you are blessed to experience.

*Please click on the video above for more advice on today’s topic!

Thank you for visiting here today, Sybersue xo <3

Private Dating Relationship Coaching With Sybersue – Please contact me @ https://www.calltheone.com/susan-mccord and message me there to set up a video call or voice call appointment within 24 hours. Thank you!

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