We owe everything to our parents. They care for us, nurture us, and teach us all of life’s lessons before we are adults so we can conquer what the world has to offer. At least parents are supposed to. Not everyone can say they grew up in the perfect household. Sometimes, a certain line is drawn that permanently damages the relationship between parent and child. In these stories, people reveal the exact moment all respect for their parents went out the window.

Sweet Tooth

A box full of various chocolate bars
Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash

“We used to have a super nice lady cleaning lady. She was one of my favorite people, but my mom would straight-up humiliate her.

This lady was on the heavier side and had a binge eating disorder. My mom would take pleasure in buying sweets and leave them around the kitchen in hopes the cleaning lady would eat them, which she always did. My mom didn’t even like eating sweets. She did this just to set ‘traps’ for the cleaning lady.

When my mom confront her about eating the sweets she had laying around, my mother also found pleasure in making fun of her weight, her eating habits, and the like.

To me, this lady was an amazing person and my mom, for some bizarre reason, loved finding ways to make her miserable.

I got into a bunch of fights with my mom over her cruel behavior, but she just wouldn’t stop. Eventually, the cleaning lady quit. We’re still in contact and I’m happy to share she’s doing much better. It doesn’t surprise me because my mom was a raging witch to her for no reason at all.

The new cleaning lady is unwilling to take any of my mom’s nonsense, so my mom has undoubtedly met her match. When she confessed how she loved to tease the old cleaning lady and manipulated situations to make sure she could, I was not only rid of any respect for her. I was actually disgusted.”

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When The Truth Comes Out

A boy using a spotting scope
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

“I was in the cub scouts when I was nine.

One day my parents stopped taking me to the meetings without an explanation. I asked my mom and dad about it a couple of times, but all they told me was I got kicked out.

My parents told me the other scout members didn’t like me and the counselors told my parents to remove me from their program because I was a ‘bad kid’.

I was seriously confused by the news at first because I thought I had gotten along with just about everyone there. I never really had any problems with any of the counselors either.

My parents had me believe that they were receiving tons of complaints about me from both my peers and the people who were in charge.

I believed them for the longest time until one day I probed them and got the heartbreaking truth.

The truth was I was removed from the cub scouts simply because they didn’t feel like taking me there anymore.

This was revealed to me years later when I brought the topic up with my mom for what felt like the one-hundredth time. My mother told me she and my father were too tired to drive me to every meeting three times a week.

My older brother had a car, but they never thought to ask him because ‘he had better things to do’. My parents made the decision to lie to me because they thought I would protest if they told me the truth. So, they felt the need to come up with a lie that seemed the most believable at the time.

I understand people’s parents have done way worse things to them. I also understand my parents worked a lot to provide shelter and food for me.

My parents being too tired may have been the case, but I just don’t understand why my parents thought they had to gaslight me like that.

This is why I have trust issues.”

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Mother Raised Him Right

A romantic couple hugging on the beach
Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels

“It took me a long time to realize how neglectful and emotionally abusive my mother was. There were always little things that bothered me, but time would transform them into much bigger problems that were hard to ignore.

When my little brother first started dating, he started a beautiful girl. They were inseparable. My brother got along well with her parents, too. They would take him to dinner and other events because they accepted him like he was already part of the family. I was genuinely happy for my brother. I thought our mother was happy as well until we had a conversation about my brother and his girlfriend that got way out of hand.

One day while I was visiting our mother and she said:

‘I know it sounds horrible, but I don’t like them hanging out. I don’t like seeing them together.’

‘Oh, why?’ I thought there could have been some legit concerns my mother had that we were blind to. You know the saying, mother knows best? I will never relate to that statement. My mother went on to complain about how my brother and his girlfriend had a lot more money than she did. His girlfriend’s parents would gift him expensive supplies for school and she was jealous because she couldn’t afford to do the same. My mother even went on to say my brother’s girlfriend was a ‘hussy’.

Her next words were even more disgusting.

‘I raised the perfect boyfriend and now they get to reap the fruit of my labor.’

I was speechless. My brother was HAPPY. I was thrilled he got along with his ‘in-laws’ and what she said was almost on the verge of incest. It made me shiver all over.

My mother started crying because I obviously didn’t agree with her. She knew I thought badly of her because of the comment so she decided to cry to make me feel bad like she always did.

I remember thinking: ‘This is NOT okay. This is so wrong.’

Her tears didn’t work then.

Not long after, I finally got a therapy spot and cut off all communication with her.”

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A Lonely World

Bald man in pink shirt crying
Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels

“In November of 2017, I broke off an engagement with a girl because I found out she had been lying to me and her family backed it up. In one of the lies, my ex told me she got Pregnant after she was assaulted. I was devastated upon hearing the news and didn’t want to leave her in such a difficult time, so I stayed.

As it turned out, my ex had another partner I didn’t know about. He got her pregnant and then made himself scarce. My ex also lied to me about her age. I later found out the partner she cheated on me with was a ‘friend’ she told me not to worry about.

Once I found out about everything, the baby had been born. I had fallen in love with the kid. When I found out the truth, it felt like I had been hit by a car. I ended up leaving the child and my ex behind. I could never forgive her.

Then a month later, my ex succeeded in putting me on child support. I ended up going into debt and fell into a deep depression. When I thought things couldn’t get worse, I heard from one of her relatives that my dad was also mixed up in the drama.

Apparently, my ex and my dad hooked up behind my back while we were together. My father was never part of my life, but he knew my ex before we even dated. Finding this out unleashed a pain that still hurts me to this day.

I was very depressed and had to move back in with my mom because all my money had gone into the relationship that literally went to hell. One night I was having a discussion with my mom and older sister about everything that happened to me.

I told them how depressed I was but my mother looked at me with a look of disgust on her face and called me ‘big ass baby.’ She then told me to man up because ‘depression is for cowards and crybabies.’

I have never forgotten what my mother said to me. I’ve never seen her in the same manner. I’m still depressed and looking into getting therapy when I can afford it.

In the meantime, I try to never show my emotions to anyone. If I’m having a conversation, I never share my true thoughts and feelings because I’m so scared I’ll be shut down again like my problems don’t matter.

Hopefully in the future things turn around, but now I’m more alone than ever.”

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