SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA - JUNE 21: Ilana Glazer performs onstage at the 2019 Clusterfest on June 21, 2019 in San Francisco, California. (Photo by Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic for Clusterfest)

Ilana Glazer is happy that more people have been opening up about the truth about the challenges of Pregnancy and childbirth in recent years, and she’s hoping to do the same.

“Nobody told me, when it came to pregnancy, that sometimes you’re very horny. It was shocking to me,” the “Broad City” star tells POPSUGAR. The 35-year-old actor gave birth to her first child, a baby girl, in July 2021. She shares her with her husband, David Rooklin, whom she married in 2017.

Overall, Glazer says she’s happy to see more and more people candidly discussing the grittier truths about pregnancy — truths that mothers have felt pressured to keep quiet over the years, along with many other aspects of women’s healthcare. “People opening up the floodgates to talk about negative things about pregnancy and motherhood has been a very positive aspect of the past 10 years,” she says.

Despite the increasing visibility of conversations about pregnancy, Glazer still wasn’t surprised when certain parts of the gestational experience caught her off guard. “It didn’t surprise me as every new thing came up and I was like, ‘Wow, I never knew this. Wow, I was systematically cut off from understanding my body in this way,'” she says. “I was, by design, ignorant to some of the things that I should have known inherently, knowledge that should have been passed down and that I should have been seeing in society all the time. That was expected, and not a surprise.” Still, some unexpected aspects of the process of bringing a new human into the world were more pleasant than others. “Being really horny — I was like, this is wild and I’m huge and moving differently,” she says, laughing. “It was really fun.”

Now that she’s a mom, she says, parenthood has inspired her to take the initiative to get to know herself better. “It looks like therapy. That is what that looks like,” she says of her self-care tactics. “It’s part of my work professionally and personally — to be a better employer, to be a better collaborator, to be a better spouse and parent.”

In general, Glazer is passionate about making the world a better place, for her daughter and everyone else. From advocating for LGBTQ+ rights to supporting businesswomen, she’s dedicated to being the change she wants to see — but she knows that starts internally. “That’s what self-care looks like to me. Investing my money into my personal peace. And it really,” she says, “if I point it inward first, it points outward.”

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