Keanu Reeves is still promoting John Wick: Chapter 4, and he’s still giving interviews, obviously. It’s kind of nice that while Keanu is a movie star and he’s still the lead in multiple franchises, there seems to be a real effort to not press him on his personal life? The guy has had so much tragedy in his life, I think most people – even entertainment journalists – are like “just let the guy live.” That being said, we know he’s still with Alexandra Grant, his girlfriend of something like six or seven years, I believe? While Alexandra didn’t attend any of the John Wick premieres, he did make a reference to her while he was speaking to People Magazine.

Keanu’s last moment of bliss. “A couple of days ago with my honey,” the actor says of his longtime love, artist Alexandra Grant, 49. “We were in bed. We were connected. We were smiling and laughing and giggling. Feeling great. It was just really nice to be together.”

Last time I danced: “At a friend’s wedding about eight months ago. Sometimes I’m the first out there and sometimes I need coaxing. Sometimes it’s the song and sometimes it’s the person. I just go with the feeling.

Last recurring dream: “I’ve had recurring nightmares, but they’re too scary to describe. It’s always fun to fly in dreams, isn’t it? I’m just glad I have the chance to do it anywhere. It’s quite extraordinary.

Last game I played: I’ve been playing some chess. It’s a competitive game. I don’t think you walk to the board and go, “I hope I lose.” If you don’t know how to play, I’m great—yeah, I’m a master. And if you’re really good, I’m terrible.

Last time I watched the sunrise: “I was recently traveling in Japan and had some wonderful jet lag and got to see the sun rising in Kyoto. Those are always cool. You have to stop, like, “Aren’t we glad to be here?”

[From People]

“We were in bed. We were connected. We were smiling and laughing and giggling.” Why is he rubbing it in our faces?!? No, I’m happy for him. Like, he seems lovely and gentle and kind. He’s a 58-year-old man in a loving partnership with a 48-year-old woman. Keanu’s not out there, trying to hook up with Instagram models. Also: I hate flying dreams! I only have flying dreams, on average, about once a year. I hate them. But then again, I’ve had multiple Sex dreams about Andrew Garfield.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images.

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