
The flight back from Stockholm this morning was a little bumpy, but Rosie sure is happy to be back home.

As you know, she won her first (of many, we hope) Nobel Cat Prize this year for her groundbreaking research into creating the most delicious and nutritious cat treats in the world. With her team of dedicated scientists at the Cat Treat Research Institute (CTRI), they created some amazing new treats she can’t wait to share, including a new tuna-flavored crunchy made from 100% cheese.

For cats who live in inland countries far from the ocean, it promises to greatly improve their quality of life.

The view from Rosie’s 5-star hotel room in Stockholm the night before she received her Nobel Cat Prize.

She only had a couple days in Stockholm, but she did spend one of them sightseeing around the city with her friend Dr. Koko, who’s also a renowned torbie scientist.

Wait — have I mentioned about the Nobel Cat Prize before? I just realized that I’m not sure I told you about it.

Yeah! She was thrilled and honored by the news. She’s dreamed about winning a Nobel Cat Prize ever since she was a kitten, so this was one of her greatest accomplishments.

We’re all very proud… 😊


Tabs, of course, was brilliant in a multitude of ways, but he was more of a party animal than a scientist.

When it came to cat treats, he dabbled in new cat treat development, but he was always more interested in eating cat treats than making them…

And he was much better known for his kitty supermodeling and his ability to throw amazing parties than for his work in the kitchen or the research lab. 😸

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



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