Ummm, is Princess Catherine still MIA?!

Fans have been worried sick about Kate Middleton ever since she effectively went into hiding after her abdominal surgery was abruptly announced back in January. With little information given about her condition, conspiracy theories spread like wildfire as folks tried to come up with answers to her unexplained medical condition (plus the reason for her needing to take a break from public duties until after Easter).

So, on Monday, it seemed like no coincidence when a photo of the Princess of Wales suddenly emerged. She was seen riding in the passenger seat of a car driven by her mother Carole. The only problem was that she was in sunglasses, in the shade, in a grainy AF pic! So it didn’t reveal much — except maybe proof of life. The operative word there today is maybe!!

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Ever since that photo dropped, internet sleuths have been sent into overdrive with increased speculation. And the latest theory?? They don’t think that was Kate in the car! WTF?!? Here’s the pic, if you need a refresher before we get into the drama:

One X (Twitter) user took to the platform after the paparazzi snapshot emerged to point out some oddities. A few minor things included the fact that Kate was without security. Also, Prince William was nowhere to be seen even though he had no scheduled engagements that day. But what’s even more strange is that — after all this time out of the spotlight — a paparazzo managed to snag one singular photo of the royal! Normally, there’d be dozens of pics, especially from a seemingly prime location like this, y’know? It’s weird!

But that’s not even the biggest red flag! The user also pointed out that despite the photo being so grainy, it could easily be cleaned up with editing software, as someone did online. After removing the grain from the pic, fans discovered that the mother of three is missing her trademark mole above her lip! Now, this could’ve been mistakenly removed during the editing process, or it’s a clue that something’s amiss! Similarly, fans think the noses are VERY different. Check out the comparison HERE!

Whoa, right?!

For the record, we totally predicted these body double rumors! But honestly, can you imagine if the royal family really tried to get away with a fake Kate Middleton to stop this controversy!? That would be nuts! Right??

And it would have to be intentional. This wasn’t just a pap thinking they spotted Princess Catherine, the woman was with her mum!

Fans have been freaking out about the photo ever since it hit the internet. And they definitely seem to be on board with the wild body double theory, at least. Some wrote on X:

“Y’all said Kate Middleton got a BBL and 2 days later her mother is driving around with a Madame Tussaud’s wax figure in the passenger seat”

“idk who’s that in that wig but that’s not kate middleton”

“we literally have clearer pictures of Pluto. how on earth am I supposed to believe this is really Kate Middleton lol”

“was this picture of Kate Middleton made with a thousand photographs of Kate Middleton ?”

LOLz! There’s even been speculation that it was really her sister Pippa Middleton in the car — although she has a mole, too. And, you know, is pretty famous for her specific looks… Either way, if The Firm thought they were finally shutting down this controversy, they were SO very wrong!

What do YOU think is going on? Are fans overreacting to this pic or is something off about it? Let us know (below)!

[Image via MEGA/WENN]

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