
As with any season finale, The Real Housewives of Miami Season 6, Episode 17, “Havana Nights,” had quite the undertaking of putting a neat little bow on everyone’s stories this year. Last week, things got tense between Larsa and her friends as they questioned Michael Jordan’s disapproval of her Relationship with Marcus. As for other goings on this season, who could forget the drama between Guerdy and Larsa, especially amid the former’s battle with cancer? So, how will it all end? Find out in this recap of the Real Housewives of Miami Season 6 finale.

Everybody loves Larsa

Real Housewives of Miami Season 6 finale
Photo by: Jeff Daly/Bravo

This episode began with Larsa and Marcus setting up for another episode of their podcast. The topic on everyone’s mind was, of course, Michael Jordan, who told reporters he was not a fan of Marcus’ relationship with Larsa. The Housewife was pretty observably bothered by that fact but tried to let Marcus be the one to address it.

Marcus told production that it wasn’t typical for Michael to meet his girlfriends, so Larsa wasn’t an exception in that regard. He also pointed out that his mom “f*cking loves Larsa,” and her opinion was more important than Michael’s. Furthermore, Larsa pointed out that her parents were very happy with Marcus.

Elsewhere, Guerdy met up with Nicole to shoot the breeze. After discussing how the Mexico trip sort of went off the rails for Guerdy, the two began discussing their medical goings-on. Nicole shared her optimism for pregnancy and avoiding the IVF route. Guerdy shared how Adriana’s upcoming party would be like a last Date for her and Russell before chemo.

That’s when the conversation turned to Larsa as Guerdy again expressed her distaste for her “friend” having revealed her cancer to the group. Moreover, Larsa shared how Guerdy bit her during the Mexico trip, which soon made headlines, turning that into unnecessary drama. She criticized Larsa for ‘sensationalizing’ the situation.

Guerdy was especially frustrated since things seemed quite good between her and Larsa on the trip to Mexico, especially while at church. Nicole described their progress as “one step forward … seven steps back.” Guerdy said she would “continue to have an issue until [Larsa] f*cking understands her place.”

Alexia, Lisa, Julia, and their supportive families

Real Housewives of Miami Season 6 finale recap
Photo by: Alexander Tamargo/Bravo

From there, we checked in with Alexia who was moving out of her previous residence (without Todd). Alexia’s sons joined her and she had a heart-to-heart with Peter. The Housewife pointed out that Peter would become Frankie’s guardian if something happened to Alexia. Peter said he knew just as much and was prepared to take that on if needed. Alexia teared up.

Later that night, Lisa received a visit from her mom, Jean, and Aunt Dell. The three discussed Lenny, with Lisa revealing that Jean had stopped frequently visiting because of her estranged husband. Jean and Dell reiterated that they never liked Lenny. Jean admitted to texting Lenny after the Season 5 scandal but never received a response.

Lisa pointed out that her mother came from a place of poverty and, as a result, always had poor interactions with Lenny’s family, who let their privilege show. The visit from the women in her life seemed to be extremely uplifting, especially as Dell pointed out that karma was on its way.

The next day, Julia was looking at options for making a return on her farm as Martina suggested. Adriana visited and consulted her on how to adequately price jam. Unfortunately, despite the product plans, Julia had expenses stacking up since she took in a new pig. However, Martina was understanding, seeing as the pig was a rescue. She ultimately supported the new animal.

Guerdy has Russell shave her head

Guerdy for RHOM Season 6
Photo by: Gizelle Hernandez/Bravo

It was time for Guerdy to take the next step on her cancer journey. As part of her plans to prepare for chemo, the fabulous event planner decided that she would shave her head. With her hair braided up and ready to cut, she still showed a great deal of apprehension, hoping there would still be a shadow.

For Guerdy, shaving her head was a sign of control, and it felt only fitting that Russell would help her shave it all off. Guerdy thanked him for always being there. “I don’t know what I would’ve done without you,” she said. “You’re my best friend.”

Guerdy began cutting braid by braid with tears in her eyes. Russell finished the job, getting the braids in the back and taking up the electric razor thereafter. Even though Guerdy couldn’t help but feel that he was lying, Russell said he knew it would look good. “You’re very beautiful,” Russell assured her. “It doesn’t look bad at all. Trust me.” And soon enough, the hair was gone.

Adriana’s party begins (with surprise appearances)

Real Housewives of Miami Season 6 finale
Photo by: Jeff Daly/Bravo

Adriana’s party was nigh at hand, with a rehearsal beforehand to prepare the showcase for her new single. Despite the excitement, her nerves were palpable, and not just because of the upcoming performance. Adriana was nervous because she didn’t want her friends to cause a scene in front of her producer, Emilio.

And who should be the one to help assuage these fears? Shockingly, Marysol. Adriana’s longtime enemy took off for Scotland a few days before to renew her vows with her man. Marysol FaceTimed in while Adriana was getting ready, congratulating the pop star. “Does she know who she’s talking to?” Adriana asked in a confessional. In her confessional, Marysol called Adriana a “motherf*cker,” but admitted that she still loved her “even though she keeps poking the bear.”

On the way to the party, the girls couldn’t help but discuss Larsa – both the tension between her and Guerdy, and what Michael Jordan told reporters. It would be the first time the girls would reunite since the Mexico trip.

The Housewives began filing into the party, along with some unexpected guests, such as Nicole’s father, his girlfriend, and Ana Quincoces. To her credit, Alexia kept her distance and did not cause a scene.

Larsa and Guerdy go at it again

Larsa for RHOM Season 6
Photo by: Gizelle Hernandez/Bravo

The ladies sat down for a friendly chat and began discussing their significant others. Apparently, Lisa was the only one who got the memo to bring her beau. When Larsa brought up Marcus, the group began discussing Michael Jordan again. Julia expressed how she felt that Larsa wasn’t being very forthcoming with the group.

Larsa was getting tired of the conversation. She asked her friends if they needed permission from their parents regarding their romantic entanglements. Julia felt Larsa was being defensive because she had something to hide. At least Adriana was avoiding the drama, speaking with Emilio in private. Emilio made her night when he revealed he’d play bongos during her number.

But back outside, just when things seemed to cool off, Guerdy entered the chat. The group was discussing how they felt they’d gotten closer, especially after Mexico. That’s when Guerdy brought up everything Larsa had done over the season, emphasizing the “fake tears” comment. Larsa said, “I can’t win with you” as Guerdy pressed her on her behavior.

Larsa brought up the bite and Guerdy was amused. “There she goes,” Guerdy said with a smile. “You bit me and you’re mad at me,” Larsa said. The argument was beginning to attract attention from other partygoers. Larsa told cameras how she felt that Guerdy was “always looking for a reason to be mad” at her. As if it were hard for Guerdy to find any.

“You’re not sorry,” Guerdy said bluntly. “You should be sorry, but you’re not sorry.” Nicole privately condemned how Larsa spoke to Guerdy, telling her to “dial it back a little bit,” what with all that Guerdy was going through.  

Russell steps in between Larsa and Guerdy

Real Housewives of Miami Season 6 finale recap
Photo by: Jeff Daly/Bravo

The argument began devolving quickly into unintelligible madness. Russell looked on in frustration. Kiki had just gone to the bathroom and said, “I can’t leave these ladies by themselves for two seconds.” Guerdy asked Larsa why she even brought up the bite and Larsa said her arm was hurting when they got back from the trip. Guerdy shed some fake tears and said, “Aww.”

In a confessional, Larsa said she was “a victim here too. I’m sick too.” Oh my gosh, cue the eye roll. Lisa soon came over and tried to talk Guerdy down. Lisa said that any mention of the bite was a joke. Guerdy wasn’t having it. “I’m not doing this with you … You’re about to now defend her and her good intentions … I am going through a whole lot, Lisa.” She further told Larsa, “Shut your mouth.”

Guerdy reminded the group that she had a blood test tomorrow. Larsa screamed she was sorry and that it wasn’t her fault. Guerdy said a friend who cared about her wouldn’t behave like Larsa. Guerdy then pulled off her hat and wig to reveal what she’d been up to earlier that day. As Guerdy continued her attack on Larsa, the latter shouted that she would leave and never talk to Guerdy again because she was “wrong.”

That’s when Russell intervened. He asked Guerdy, “Why are you dealing with this?” suggesting she was above the squabble. Larsa shouted for Russell to take his wife and he repeatedly shut her down, just saying, “Be respectful.” Larsa with no self-awareness as usual, shouted, “I’m being respectful!”

Guerdy and Russell walked off. Russell said, “You can’t do that sh*t in front of me.” Lisa soon ran after them, and Nicole followed in turn. “You need to leave me alone,” Guerdy told Lisa. Nicole came and grabbed her soon enough, explaining that Guerdy needed space. “I am not your enemy!” Lisa shouted. “You know her, you need to give her a f*cking second!” Nicole chided.

Adriana performs her new single

Adriana for RHOM Season 6
Photo by: Gizelle Hernandez/Bravo

Before Adriana went out on stage for the night, Larsa was still reeling from the conversation with Guerdy. Julia tried to encourage her to move on. Alexia reminded her that Guerdy was going through a lot. Lisa, however, just reminded Larsa that she would always have her back. At the very least, the two had each other amid their divorces, Lisa’s ongoing.

As Adriana readied herself, the group engaged in some drinking and dancing. After Kiki danced with Nicole’s dad, she noted his “hard-on … It’s long and it’s big.” Whack. Nicole was as embarrassed as ever. As an aside, this was a strange scene to keep in the edit following Nicole’s father’s unexpected recent passing.

Luckily, distraction soon came in the form of Adriana. However, the performer was feeling the pressure. Singing for the most important people in her life was far more nerve-wracking than even the hundreds of thousands of people in Mexico. Regardless, Adriana killed it, and her friends loved the song.

Where are the Real Housewives of Miami now?

Real Housewives of Miami Season 6 finale
Photo by: Jeff Daly/Bravo

And that’s a wrap on RHOM Season 6. Since filming ended, Kiki found herself a new man but has yet to introduce him to her friends. Adriana has continued her work with Emilio, with her new song expected to be released soon. Marysol successfully renewed her vows with Steve in Scotland.

Nicole’s home is still under renovation, but in more important news, she got the chance to tell her father about her pregnancy before he passed away in November 2023. Marcus presented Larsa with a promise ring with talks of an upcoming marriage (Oof, unfortunate timing). With Martina’s cancer behind her, she and Julia restarted their hopes to adopt a child.

Alexia’s son, Frankie, took an Uber all on his own, just as The DeMoya Foundation challenged. Frankie continues progressing while Alexia and Todd’s finances are reportedly just fine. As for Lisa, Lenny is still contesting their settlement, so, it’ll be a minute before her new house comes along. Until then, she’s living in a condo.

After 127 days of chemo, Guerdy was declared officially cancer-free. “I just Guerdyfied cancer,” she said triumphantly to the cameras. She added: “I can do anything moving forward. I have no doubt.” And that’s where Season 6 ends. For now…

The Real Housewives of Miami Season 6 reunion begins on Wednesday, February 28 at 9/8c on Bravo.



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