
Nneka Ihim

‘Real Housewives of Potomac’ Recap: Karen Huger Throws a Tantrum Over Rooms and Nneka’s Crowned the New Grand Dame

Welcome to a new episode of The Real Housewives of Potomac. Gordon is helping Mia Thornton tighten her dress strap as she awaits Ashley Darby’s arrival. The pair discuss the time at Eddie Osefo’s Happy Eddie event and how much they enjoyed themselves. A flashback shows the group bonding in the midst of Karen Huger and Mia’s disagreement. Mia recounts what happened and is hung up on Karen calling her a trick. Gordon wonders what Karen was referring to, but Mia blows it off as producers question Mia about coming clean about Karen’s accusations. Mia skillfully leaves that part of their conversation out and suggests Karen’s smoking something. 

Gordon Thornton

Ashley arrives looking beautiful and Mia grabs her a Corona, as Gordon steps out the room. Mia checks in on Ashley and asks how she’s feeling with her upcoming divorce. Backing up, Mia admits she discussed Ashley’s situation with Gordon and he didn’t believe Ashley’s really getting a divorce. He is convinced that if he and Mia found themselves in a similar situation, they would reach a mutually beneficial agreement. Ashley acknowledges delaying the divorce process because she fears compromising her financial security. She confides in Mia about her childhood experience of eviction, which has left her apprehensive about pursuing independence.

Mia Thornton

In her confessional, Ashley delves into the trauma she endured seeing her mother’s financial struggles, fearing she might end up in a similar predicament. When Mia inquires about the possibility of divorce, Ashley envisages it happening before the year concludes. The conversation shifts to Robyn Dixon’s upcoming trip, with a flashback revealing Robyn’s invitation to the ladies for a getaway to the Dominican Republic.

Ashley Darby

Karen ensures Wendy’s inclusion, while Ashley aims to tackle unresolved issues among the group. In contrast, Robyn looks forward to a fun escape, and Mia is eager for a break from her family responsibilities. Reflecting on Ashley’s birthday trip the previous year, the producers cut to a scene of Mia and Jacqueline in a heated exchange.

Ashley Darby

Later, Nneka Ihim strolls in like “Easy Like Sunday Morning,” gearing up for a meeting with Wendy. Wendy soon follows, and after they’re both seated, the exchange of courtesies leads Nneka to express her gratitude towards Wendy for attending. Nneka’s intention is to clear any misunderstandings and to propose a way forward. Yet, Wendy’s demeanor suggests indifference and a reluctance to compromise, as they order their drinks. Nneka shares that before she became part of the group, Lebe had informed her of Wendy’s dissatisfaction with a Nigerian woman joining their circle. While Wendy listens with a show of stubbornness, she interrupts Nneka to confront her about calling Wendy’s mother a witch.

Nneka Ihim

Nneka concedes that she did refer to Wendy’s mom as a witch, a comment made in response to certain phone calls. Wendy counters by saying her mom and sister have refuted Nneka’s claims, although a flashback contradicts this, showing Wendy’s mom acknowledging she contacted Lebe. Wendy challenges Nneka to specify any wrongs done to her directly, but Nneka redirects the conversation to the significance of the shrine incident. As Wendy dismissively reacts, Nneka continues to discuss the shrine while Wendy defends her mother. Nneka’s eager to move past their discord if Wendy can validate her concerns. However, Wendy insists on an apology for the witch accusation. Nneka agrees to apologize for calling Wendy a “bitch,” but stands firm on the shrine claims.

Nneka Ihim and Wendy Osefo

Wendy responds with a nonchalant thanks, only for the conversation to pivot south again when Nneka mentions Wendy’s false “smoking crack,” allegation. It’s all disturbing to Nneka as she tries to explain how impacted she’s been by the drama, Wendy doesn’t hear Nneka and continues defending herself and brings her children into the drama. Nneka clarifies she said nothing about Wendy’s children, but Wendy goes on a tirade about the word, witch. Wendy brings up her kids legacy and their culture, but misses what Nneka’s claiming about the shrine creating issues for her legacy as well. It’s clear Wendy doesn’t want to mend things with Nneka, as the two continue bickering, Wendy decides she’s had enough and storms off.

Wendy Osefo

Nneka asks production to take her mic off and becomes emotional while explaining her frustration towards Wendy. Nneka knows that Wendy is aware of the situation and tells producers “it’s ridiculous,” while wiping tears away.

At Candiace’s place, she indulges in day drinking with Chris while flaunting her newly acquired purse. Chris teases her for inaugurating the purse two weeks after purchase, to which Candiace explains her hectic schedule delayed her enjoyment of it. As Candiace parades her latest acquisition, Chris acknowledges her style with the admiration she seeks.

Candiace Dillard

Chris brings up their packed schedules, noting Candiace’s frequent absences due to her commitments. While Candiace acknowledges the whirlwind of activities, she’s gearing up for the next phase of her “Deep Space” tour, and Chris is devoted to his cooking classes on YouTube.

Candiace Dillard

Amid their bustling lives, Chris expresses a desire for more quality time with Candiace and broaches the topic of their ongoing IVF journey, querying Candiace’s readiness to proceed. Candiace’s willingness is tempered by her apprehension over a detected breast mass. Sharing a letter from her doctor with Chris, she’s relieved there’s no indication of Breast Cancer, yet remains cautious given her family’s medical history. Chris ensures Candiace that everything is okay, but Candiace wants the doctor to take it all out. Chris calms an emotional Candiace down by suggesting they get a second opinion and to focus on her health.

Chris Bassett

Gizelle Bryant’s getting ready for Grace’s graduation with the twins, as Gizelle keeps her feelings in check to reminisce on her time as a mother. As the twins get their shoes on, Gizelle tells Grace how proud of her she is and tells Grace to follow her gut. The two hug while holding back tears as the ladies head out to see Grace graduate. Gizelle’s cell phone footage shows the family celebrating Grace and even Jamal Bryant came through. 

Gizelle Bryant's daughter

Meanwhile Robyn’s meeting up with Nneka and Mia to shop for their upcoming trip. Looking around, Robyn’s excited to let her hair down on this trip and Mia jokingly picks out a gift for Karen. Robyn asks what’s going on between Mia and Karen, and although Mia claims she’s fine, she tells Robyn she knows how to handle Karen. Mia believes Karen acts differently among different members of the group, and brings up Karen’s behavior at Eddie’s event. Mia believes Karen acted up due to Wendy and soon Nneka recounts her conversation with Wendy. Robyn doesn’t believe Wendy wants to move forward with Nneka and neither does Mia. Nneka feels gaslit but wants to enjoy her time in the Dominican Republic. 

The next day the ladies are at the airport ready for takeoff! Karen’s not worried about her beef with the ladies and is ready for a good time in the DR. Robyn also invited Keiarna to the DR due to already knowing her through Gizelle. Once landed, the ladies board a sprinter van to head to their hotel, while popping champagne to start the trip off. Robyn tries to start off with a lively speech to share the itinerary and room accommodations. Mia’s ready to be half-naked on a beach, while Keiarna shares her medicine bag. Karen thanks Robyn for the invite while explaining Ray Huger’s visited the same villa before. 

Karen divulged a startling incident during one of Ray’s trips to the Dominican Republic, where a call from Karen was unexpectedly answered by a woman. The revelation led to astonishment among the group, prompting discussions about the Dominican Republic’s reputation for offering anything money can buy. Candiace humorously inquired if Ray had ordered a concubine, only for Karen to clarify it was the cleaning lady who picked up Ray’s phone. The conversation took a light-hearted turn as the women half-jokingly considered banning their partners from solo trips to the DR, especially as Keiarna mentioned her man’s annual visits there. Mia chimed in with a cautionary note, hinting at her past role as “the girl on the golf trips,” implying the potential for infidelity. At the resort, the group was captivated by the stunning surroundings upon their arrival. Gizelle complimented Robyn on choosing such a beautiful location, while Candiace playfully threw shade by questioning if Juan Dixon had footed the bill for their villa.

Met with champagne, the ladies take in everything as Wendy toast to “No drama and getting drunk!”  Unfortunately, Keiarna’s having stomach issues as the ladies view each other’s rooms. Robyn gets the biggest room as the rest of the ladies share a combination of double beds and singles. Robyn assigns Karen a double room while Karen doesn’t hesitate to rebuke Robyn’s suggestion. A flashback shows Gizelle and Robyn sharing a room throughout the years, while Robyn gives her bestie her choice at a room. Robyn gives Ashley and Nneka their own room while Karen and Candiace discuss their options. 

Karen Huger and Robyn Dixon

Karen rushes the receptionist to find her own room and although Ashley tries to give Karen her single, Karen would rather flex that credit card to pay for her own comfort. As the ladies scramble to settle the rooms, Karen complains about being boxed in. As Candiace and Wendy sit by the pool, Wendy asks Ashley where’s Karen but Robyn jumps in. Karen overhears Robyn talking trash and responds with “Shut up Robyn with your description of bull sh**.” Robyn and Karen go back and forth as Karen walks away as Robyn continuously says “Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.” 

Karen Huger

Karen doesn’t get the key to her own room and Robyn gives Wendy the information on the days plans. Karen’s relaxing on the couch as Ashley tries to find a solution for her. Ashley decided to stay with Mia, so that Karen could have her own room. Robyn rejoins the conversation and tells Karen to apologize for her attitude. Karen tells Robyn to get out her face as Gizelle checks in with Keiarna. Luckily, Keiarna feels a lot better but Gizelle shades Keiarna’s friends for not checking in on her. As Karen calls Ray to check in, Mia and Ashley meet up with Gizelle and Robyn. 

Gizelle Bryant

Gizelle shares the shade Karen through at Nneka’s house and decided to shade Karen back, by crowning Nneka the new Grand Dame of Potomac. The ladies are all for Gizelle’s schemes and follows que as Gizelle sets the plan for today. Mia laughs as Gizelle shows off the crown as the ladies head to the pool.

Ashley Darby

Gizelle and Ashley separate the group and gives a full speech in order to crown Nneka, while Karen side-eye’s the situation. Gizelle and Ashley crown Nneka, as the rest look on in confusion.

Nneka Ihim

Nneka gladly accepts her new title as Candiace gets upset and walks away. Looks like this trip’s just getting started, be sure to come back next week on The Real Housewives of Potomac.


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