Who’s leaving Coronation Street in 2024? And what other cast changes can we expect?

Having just waved goodbye to Peter Barlow, we’re about to say hello again to Bethany Platt and Damon Hay.

However, there are set to be some sad exits this year too. We already know Paul Foreman will die, but who else is leaving Coronation Street in 2024?

Lisa George is the latest rumoured departure – here’s everything we know about the cast changes for next year so far.

Who’s leaving Coronation Street in 2024?

Paul’s exit will be heartbreaking (Credit: ITV)

Paul Foreman

In 2023 Paul Foreman was heartbreakingly diagnosed with motor neurone disease. After an injury to his hand needed further investigation, Paul received the devastating news he has the incurable disease.

Coronation Street is working with the MND Association to explore the challenges Paul will face as he deals with this devastating news. Paul actor Peter Ash has opened up about his storyline.

MND is a fatal, rapidly progressing disease that affects the brain and spinal cord. It attacks the nerves that control movement causing muscles to stop working. Sufferers are locked in their body, however, the senses are not usually affected. Eventually those with MND won’t be able to move, talk or breathe, and 80 per cent of sufferers will lose their voice.

There is no cure for the illness and as a result a third of people diagnosed sadly die within a year. More than half only live for two years after diagnosis.

We have already seen Paul lose the use of his legs and get a wheelchair, and now a persistent cough has caused the distressing news Paul only has six months to live.

As the illness progresses it will inevitably lead to an exit for Paul. Although it has not been confirmed when he will leave, Peter has spoken about his sadness over the departure.

“I’ll be sad to leave but I am also quite happy to be involved in such a powerful storyline,” he said.

Beth looks outraged on Coronation Street
Lisa George has reportedly quit the soap (Credit: ITV)

Beth Tinker

The Sun has reported Beth Tinker actress Lisa George is leaving the soap after 13 years. It’s said her final scenes will air in the summer of 2024.

A source said: “Lisa has been on Corrie for a long time and she’s had some great storylines.

“She’s become a firm fan favourite with her comedy scenes but has had viewers sobbing in heartbreaking plots like Sinead’s death.

“She loves Corrie and it’s in her bones but she feels now is the right time to move on and take on new challenges.”

Earlier in 2023 there were claims Lisa was leaving her role, speculation which she seemingly put to bed during an interview with The Mirror at the Pride of Britain Awards in October.

“I’ve got a new contract,” she told them. “It’s really weird, everyone was saying you’re leaving, you’re leaving. I was asked about my contract and I said I was waiting, and so they asked what I’d like to do if I didn’t get one and I said Call The Midwife. That’s all I said it was a passing comment then the next thing, everyone is ringing me like, ‘you’re leaving, you’re leaving’.

“I was like no, what’s all this, no, I don’t know anything about it.”

However, even though she signed a new contract, it looks like she’s now set to leave in the summer of next year.

Entertainment Daily has reached out to ITV for comment.

Who else is leaving Coronation Street in 2024?

Alex Bain on Coronation Street playing Simon Barlow
Alex Bain on Coronation Street playing Simon Barlow (Credit: ITV)

Simon Barlow

Alex Bain, who has played Simon Barlow for 15 years, has quit the ITV soap, it was reported earlier this week.

The 22-year-old actor has been in the ITV soap since he was seven years old. However, he is expected to depart with an explosive storyline next summer.

A source claimed to The Sun: “Alex is sad to be leaving Coronation Street because it really is like a family. But he realises that the time is right to move on.”

They went on to add: “He’s very excited about the future and other opportunities.”

ED! has contacted ITV for comment.

Fans have demanded when he does go, Simon should be recast and return in 2025.

Who’s returning to Coronation Street in 2024?

Fiz is at the factory in Coronation Street
She will be back – but when? (Credit: ITV)

Fiz Dobbs

Coronation Street star Jennie McAlpine revealed she was pregnant with her third child in January this year and Fiz left the cobbles in May to take up a new job in Norwich.

But while Fiz and Ty have made it through their separation so far, things haven’t been plain sailing for poor old Ty on his own.

His addict mum Cassie has come to stay with him and is getting into all sorts of trouble! And even his gran Evelyn has got herself in a mess by taking on puppy farmer Terry.

What will Fiz come back to when she returns in 2024?

Bethany talking to Daisy on Coronation Street
Bethany’s back and it spells bad news for Daisy (Credit: ITV)

Bethany Platt

Bethany Platt is returning to Weatherfield after actress Lucy Fallon gave birth to her first baby in 2023.

Ambitious Bethany left Coronation Street for a job on a magazine in London. But now she’s heading north again.

Lucy is due back on New Year’s Eve, but January 2024 is when she really gets started. It’s not a low-key return either as she bumps into ex Daniel Osbourne fresh from his split with Daisy Midgeley.

They spend the night together, leaving Daisy heartbroken. But what has really brought Bethany back to Weatherfield. Lucy has admitted it’s not straightforward and she’s definitely been “forced back” home!

Damon on the phone on Coronation Street
Damon is back and he means business (Credit: ITV)

Damon Hay

We always felt there was unfinished business with gangster Damon, so we’re thrilled to discover he’s on his way back to Coronation Street!

Damon will arrive in Weatherfield on New Year’s Day, with two things on his mind. Firstly, he wants revenge on his love rival Adam Barlow. So it’s no surprise when Adam is kidnapped as soon as Damon shows his face. Is he behind it?

And secondly, he’s desperate to see Sarah Barlow again. Because it turns out, this hard man has a soft centre! He’s fallen hard for Sarah but will they get together?!

coronation street spoilers
Harvey’s still in jail but can he help Adam? (Credit: ITV)

Harvey Gaskell

Harvey’s behind bars, but that doesn’t mean he can’t pop up inside every now and then.

Damon and Harvey are at loggerheads, but how will Harvey fit into Damon’s latest plans?

A prison visit shines some light on the situation, but will Harvey get out and back to the cobbles properly? Or will he just meddle from behind bars?

Glamorous granny Linda will cause strife for the Winter-Brown family

Linda Hancock

Joseph Brown’s glam granny Linda is back on the cobbles for another stint. Once more she’s going to cause trouble for the Winter-Brown family as she starts splashing the cash.

But will Gemma and Chesney accept Linda’s help? Or will she cause them more problems?

Who’s joining Coronation Street in 2024?

Carla’s nephew Bobby was the latest person to arrive in Weatherfield on Boxing Day. However the soap has not confirmed who else might make their way on to the infamous cobbles in 2024.

Read more: Complete Coronation Street cast list 2023 – meet them all here!

Coronation Street usually airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV.

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**This article is regularly updated to reflect the ongoing cast changes in Coronation Street.

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