
Do Christine and Janelle Brown plan on staying friends with their former sister wives?

Kody Brown‘s Relationships with three out of his four brides — and co-stars on the TLC hit Sister Wives — came to an end in beck-to-back-to-back breakups in a matter of just 14 months. Christine broke up with him in November 2021. A year later, in December 2022, we learned he and Janelle had separated. One month later, Meri and Kody were over — thus, Robyn was the only wife left.

Since ending their marriages with Kody, Janelle and Christine have actually remained close to one another. Janelle even attended Christine’s wedding with David Woolley back in October. But when it comes to their friendships with Meri and Robyn? That’s been non-existent — and most likely will stay that way moving forward!

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Speaking with People on Tuesday, Christine revealed she hasn’t “really spoken with Robyn or Meri very much” since the breakup with Kody:

“I spoke with Meri one time, I think, since I’ve separated from Kody.”

And we’re not talking about a deep conversation! Even though Christine and Meri have bumped into each other at “a Couple of family functions,” the 51-year-old reality star said they’ve only exchanged a quick “hi” and a “nod.” Oof. She added:

“And I thought it would be different, but I don’t think it’s going to be different than that.”

As for Janelle? The 54-year-old shared that she hasn’t spoken to either Meri or Robyn since leaving Kody! And she has no plans on changing that any time soon! Janelle said:

“It’s going to stay separate and I don’t need to be close to either of them, really.”

A big reason for Janelle’s decision is because, she explained, she doesn’t have “the history” with the two other women — and frankly never developed “ the affinity for them,” adding:

“And look, we were all part of a family, we all worked hard when we were part of the same family. But now there just isn’t a lot in common.”

Perhaps they’ve just closed that chapter in their lives for good! Although Janelle and Christine are fine with keeping their distance from their former sister wives, Meri is hopeful they can have a close Relationship one day! When asked if she would reconnect with her two co-stars again, the 52-year-old pointed out to People:

“It’s going to take all parties involved, you know what I mean? But I’m not closing any doors.”

Whether Meri also plans to keep the door open for Robyn is unknown! But it’s safe to say it will take a lot of work for Janelle, Christine, Robyn, and Meri to get to a good place as a group — if they ever choose to head down that path. For now, though, Janelle and Christine seem happy to keep their friendship as a duo.

Thoughts, Perezcious readers? Do you see Meri at least becoming friends with Christine and Janelle in the future? Let us know in the comments below.

[Image via Access Hollywood/YouTube, TLC/YouTube]


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