Emily Blunt fans are very disappointed in her after a video resurfaced of her body-shaming a waitress!

In 2012, the 40-year-old actress was a guest on the UK’s The Jonathan Ross Show, where she talked about her time working on the movie Looper in Louisiana. She specifically recalled a moment when she got recognized by a waitress while at the popular chain restaurant Chili’s during filming– and what she said about the woman in her story is awful! At one point, host Jonathan Ross interrupted Emily to say:

“If you go to Chili’s you can see why so many of our American friends are enormous.”

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That’s when Emily chimed in again to deliver a terrible fat-shaming remark:

“Well the girl who was serving me was enormous. I think she got freebie meals at Chili’s. She comes up and she goes, ‘Did anyone ever tell you you look a lot like Emily Blunt?’ and I said ‘I have heard that yes’ and she said, ‘Are you Emily Blunt?’”

What the f**k? You can see the entire video (below):


So rude. Emily did not need to harshly comment on someone’s body to tell this story at all. When a clip from the interview began circulating on social media, people took to X (Twitter) to express their disappointment in Emily for the offensive and “fatphobic” comment. See a sampling of the reactions (below):

“Emily Blunt being blatantly fatphobic wasn’t on my 2023 bingo card but here we are.”

“Ugh f**k Emily Blunt seriously was one of my fave actresses but turns out she’s a fatphobic unfunny mean girl who thinks it’s funny to point out the size of a server when it adds nothing to the story – for shame.”

“Emily blunt being fatphobic is so disappointing, i guess another one bites the dust.”

“Emily Blunt being canceled 12 years after the interview where she was fatphobic. Big slay. I love to see it!”

“Why would she described her like that? That was so unnecessary.”

Instead of ignoring the controversy, though, Emily immediately addressed the matter through a statement to People. She apologized for using such “insensitive” and “hurtful” language, saying:

“I just need to address this head on as my jaw was on the floor watching this clip from 12-years ago. I’m appalled that I would say something so insensitive, hurtful, and unrelated to whatever story I was trying to tell on a talk show.”

The Devil Wears Prada star continued:

“I’ve always considered myself someone who wouldn’t dream of upsetting anyone so whatever possessed me to say anything like this in that moment is unrecognizable to me or anything I stand for. And yet it happened, and I said it and I’m so sorry for any hurt caused. I was absolutely old enough to know better.”

Let this be a reminder to everyone to not make other people’s weight a punch line ever. It’s so not cool. Thoughts on the controversy and her apology, Perezcious readers? Let us know in the comments!

[Image via The Jonathan Ross Show/YouTube, MEGA/WENN]

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