Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is planning to announce an independent run for president next month in Pennsylvania, according to Mediaite. In the run-up to the kickoff, his campaign is said to be planning “attack ads” targeted at the Democratic National Committee, which “Bobby feels” is “changing the rules to exclude his candidacy so an independent run is the only way to go,” a campaign insider told the outlet. 

The idea of RFK Jr. running as an independent in the 2024 election is legitimately terrifying for a number of reasons, not the least of which being the fact that he could take votes away from Joe Biden and help Donald Trump—who incited a deadly insurrection the last time he lost—get reelected. Also deeply worrying is the fact that Kennedy, among other things:

– Goes around saying stuff like, “There’s no vaccine that is safe and effective

– Is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist

Told Vanity Fair’s Joe Hagan it’s “obvious” that censorship is a “greater threat to the republic” than another January 6. “You could blow up the Capitol and we’d be okay if we have a First Amendment,” Kennedy claimed. “Why are we hearing about the Capitol day after day after day after day and nobody’s talking about the First Amendment?”

Last week, The New York Times ran a story considering the prospect of Kennedy running as a candidate for the Libertarian Party, whose chair he met with in July. The outlet noted that “in a general election, Democrats worry that a third-party run by Mr. Kennedy could draw votes away from Mr. Biden and help elect former President Donald J. Trump.” Matt Bennett, a cofounder of Third Way, a centrist Democratic group, told the Times. “It would be very bad” if Kennedy ran as a Libertarian, adding: “We’ve been very clear that third parties in close elections can be very dangerous and would almost certainly hurt the president.”

Kevin McCarthy is not inspiring confidence

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