Major congratulations are in order for Ariel Messam as she has truly made her mark on the history. The 18-year-old is New York’s youngest certified pilot and she is from Queens!

“Youngest certified black female pilot in New York? You’re looking at her,” Messam posted about her accomplishment on Instagram.”

She continued, “Thank you to my instructors @jocelynjones00 & @rustic___ ya’ll are dope, and nothing is possible without God.”

Messam graduated from Aviation Career Aviation Career & Technical Education High School. While in high school, she earned both her diploma and her certification as an Aircraft Powerplant Technician.

Although flying is her first love, while in high school, flying wasn’t the only thing that the talented young pilot took part in. She was also a basketball player, demonstrating her skills on the varsity basketball team.

Upon graduation in 2022, Messam began working as a Flight Simulation Instructor at Level Up and Take Off, a New York City-based 501(c)3 organization created by her brother, Anthony Messam. Level Up and Take Off was created to promote diversity, inclusion, and equability in aviation, real estate, and financial management. The program that was created by Level Up and Take Off provides inner-city youth with opportunities to gain practical hands-on experience within each industry. 

“The next generation of aviation to come from LUATO looks like any child with a yearning to level up and take off, in whatever way that may look like,” a statement about the program’s mission reads on its official Instagram. “Whether it be flying for the first time, getting their first pilot’s license, or any of the other possible experiences, Anthony Messam and his team at LUATO are dedicated to being the platform for the next generation to use as a stepping stool to the next level of aviation and life.”

In addition to flying and basketball, Messam’s other hobbies include badminton, writing, and photography.

Congratulations, Ariel! We cannot wait to hear more about your adventures in the friendly skies as you continue to prove that Black girls do indeed rock!


Photo Credit(s)/Featured Image: Ariel Messam Instagram; Level Up and Take Off Instagram

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