
It was 2020. The year Eden Morrissey and Emily Elsoueidi both moved from the UK to Paris not knowing each other existed. Eden was a retail Makeup artist whose job was in jeopardy thanks to the pandemic (she also ‘got dumped’), so was desperate for a change of scenery. She swiftly said goodbye to England and bonjour to Paris where she took up a nannying job.

Emily, on the other hand, was planning to study at University in London. But again, Covid-19 happened. She therefore also decided to move to Paris to become a nanny, and she almost immediately knew she’d found where she was meant to be. Obviously, the French capital wasn’t the only thing she fell in love with…

Eden and Emily walking hand in hand© Instagram

Eden had been in Paris for just three weeks when she came across Emily on Hinge and they met up for the first time: “Our first date was at a Cafè in Montmartre called Le Vrai Paris in October 2020 and when we met and we just immediately clicked,” she tells me. Emily added: “We remained friends after that for a few months, but officially started dating early 2021.”

Though having the same interests isn’t essential for a relationship, the two have a similar obsession for one thing: fashion, which they say brings them closer together. 

“We both love fashion, and are always discussing (and debating) recent Runway shows, designs and styles we see online and in person,” Emily says. “Eden’s always encouraging me to experiment and try new looks and I’m often borrowing her clothes whenever I feel like playing dress up, as we generally gravitate towards such different aesthetics. I have to admit she also showed me all the best thrift stores in Paris, so she introduced me to more avenues to shop vintage, too”

Of course, a love of fashion can still bring dividing opinions: “We love to discuss current trends and we often have conflicting opinions on a lot of them so it’s never a dull conversation! We both love thrifting together too, so fashion brings us together literally in that sense,” says Eden.

Fast forward to 2023 and the two have a thriving social media presence both together and indivdually. Eden’s TikTok full of heavenly Parisian fashion inspo and adorable couple goals content has amassed over 5.7 millon likes.

Like many people in the LGBTQ+ community, the internet isn’t always a kind place for the girls, and they say that the prejudice they face online is predominantly in the form of over-sexualisation. “WLW (woman-loving-woman or women who love women) are unfortunately a fetish for a lot of men, and being sexualised for who I love feels violating,” Eden explains. Emily has had the same experience online and says she feels, “sexualised for existing”.

Despite them experiencing homophobia in 2023, the couple will be celebrating Pride Month this June to recognise those in the LGBTQ+ community who came before them, but also highlight how far we have to go to create a truly equal world. 

We talked all things fashion, their relationship and why they’re proud to celebrate Pride 2023.

What’s your favourite thing about each other?

Eden: “I love so many things about her I could make you a list. My favourite probably being her kindness and patience. She encourages me to be the best version of myself and I’m very lucky to have that.”

Emily: “If I had to pick one thing, it’s the fact that Eden lights up any room she walks into. I say she’s like a little sunshine; she makes my day better whenever I see her, and I know she does the same for everyone she loves. She’s a ray of positivity, and I love and trust her outlook on life.” 

How would you describe each others dress sense?

Eden: “I would describe Emily’s dress sense as cool, sexy and sometimes edgy. She’s somehow always ahead of the curve trend-wise, plays around with textures/patterns, wears a lot of black and earthy tones. She doesn’t limit herself by sticking to only one aesthetic and I love that about her style.”

Emily in a black strappy dress© Instagram

Emily: “I don’t think it’s a big secret that Eden’s favourite colour is pink, and a lot of the pieces she gravitates towards often cater to that. Her wardrobe is flooded with pastels and floral prints, often featuring vintage silhouettes and girly details like corsets and bows. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t experiment, though – for nights out and cocktail dates she’s perfected the LBD, but always in keeping with her cute and flirty signature style.” 

@edenmorrissey© Instagram

Has your style has changed since moving from the UK? 

Eden: “Massively! When I lived in the UK my style was very much centred around the male gaze and whatever was in the new-in section of Pretty Little Thing. But I don’t even own tracksuit bottoms anymore. I also predominantly shop secondhand. Typically, I dress in classically feminine silhouettes and colour palettes, so lots of floral dresses and pink. I always felt overdressed when I wore this style in the UK, but here in Paris I feel I fit right in.”

Emily: “I think so. I always loved vintage fashion but I feel a lot more comfortable trying new silhouettes and styles in Paris just because people are more experimental with their style here. I get constant outfit inspiration just walking down the street. It also helps having access to way better thrift stores and second-hand markets than I ever did in my hometown, and people are always donating the most incredible gems. I’ve also really grown into myself since I’ve moved abroad, which helps me cultivate my wardrobe accordingly.” 

Emily in cowboy boots© Instagram

What’s your favourite piece of clothing you’ve bought for summer 2023?

Eden: “A long white flowy skirt. So whimsical and can be styled in many ways for years to come.” 

 Emily: “Perhaps a corset I found on Vinted for literally three euros – it’s so pretty and strapless with the cutest lace details.”  

Why are you proud to celebrate Pride?

Eden: “I’m proud to celebrate Pride because for years of my life I wouldn’t even allow myself to consider that I may be queer. It’s taken a lot of time and work to get here and I’m immensely proud of that.”

Emily: “Same! I used to dream about the day when I’d be able to be comfortable in a queer relationship and not be ashamed of my sexuality when I was a kid. I’m proud to celebrate Pride because it embodies part of who I am, and it’s truly so freeing to be at the point where I’m able to love freely and without fear of judgement and shame.” 

What does Pride month mean to you?

Eden: “To me, Pride means celebrating what generations of people before us had to hide about themselves. We are so lucky to live in a time and place that not only accepts, but celebrates LGBTQ+ people. We have come so far as a community and still have so far to go and Pride for me is about celebrating and also recognising that.”

Emily: “I think that Pride is about celebrating and recognising the battle that LGBTQ+ individuals have fought throughout history that has brought us to the point to which I’m not afraid to walk down the street holding my girlfriend’s hand today. It’s such a fun and vibrant celebration with such powerful roots.”  

Did you feel you had to ‘come out’? How did people react? 

Eden: “I never really officially “came out” to anyone other than my best friend and my mum (who were both like “oh yeah, we knew that”. I tend to just drop the fact that I have a girlfriend into conversations with new people I meet and go from there. I don’t love the idea of having to come out and feel like we shouldn’t be assuming people are straight as it reinforces this idea that straight is the default.”

Emily: “The only person I actually ‘came out’ to was my mom when I was around 13, and she barely batted an eye. I was so afraid to say it aloud and all she said was “that’s fine, that’s who you are and I love you”. At the time it was so anticlimactic! But she was an amazing source of support and always has been. I didn’t ‘come out’ to anyone else, I just told them that I was dating a girl and that was that. The only thing people in my life were upset by was the fact that I didn’t feel comfortable telling them sooner. Everyone that I love has been so incredibly supportive.”

How do you deal with social media prejudice?

Eden: “As a queer fem, I’ve received comments of a fetish-sexualised nature and worse. I always block and report people who have anything negative to say and get on with my day.”

Emily: “Exactly the same for me. I believe those people are just desperately looking for a reaction – they get an immediate block. Of course, there’s also the occasional “you’ll burn in hell” comments; again, immediate block.” 

What can people do to support the LGBTQ+ community for Pride month and beyond?

Eden: “Follow LGBTQ+ creators, listen to us about our struggles and actively help us work towards a happier and safer world for our community through educating yourself. Most importantly, please ensure the party you are voting for in elections is supportive of us and doesn’t want to take away the rights that our community deserves and has been fighting for for years.” 

Emily: “The internet is such a great tool to educate yourself if you’re not sure about people’s experiences or what’s going on in the world in terms of LGBTQ+ rights and activism. I also want to echo Eden’s sentiment about voting – your vote matters and LGBTQ+ lives are in peril if we don’t unite in continuous support. Never be afraid to speak out about injustice.” 


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