It’s been over two months since the publication of Prince Harry’s debut memoir, and the book is still making waves within the royal family.

The rifts between the various members of the Windsor clan are on full display this week, as Harry is in London for his lawsuit against The Daily Mail, and none of his relatives are making the time to see him.

Charles is so angry at his son that he’s evicted Harry and Meghan from Frogmore Cottage, which had served as the Couple’s home base during their trips to the UK.

As for William, insiders say the Prince of Wales still is not on speaking terms with his brother.

Catherine, Princess of Wales and Prince William, Prince of Wales attend the St. Patrick’s Day Parade at Mons Barracks on March 17, 2023 in Aldershot, England. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)

Although it seems Will’s rage might pale in comparison to that of his wife, Kate Middleton.

As we’ve reported previously, insiders claim that Kate has been plotting revenge against Harry ever since she found out about the many bombshell revelations in his book.

Now, it seems that Kate’s rage over her brother-in-law’s memoir has created issues in her marriage.

Catherine, Princess of Wales and Prince William, Prince of Wales attend the EE BAFTA Film Awards 2023 at The Royal Festival Hall on February 19, 2023 in London, England. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)

Now, one journalist has come forward to allege that Will and Kate have been fighting more than ever since the release of Spare.

“It’s not all sweetness,” author Tom Quinn tells Radar Online.

“They have terrible rows.”

Prince William and Kate Middleton were recently in Boston. Their reception was as cold as the weather. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)

According to one insider, the main cause of those rows is William’s unwillingness to confront his brother.

“Kate felt William should stick up for her more,” one palace insider alleged.

“Yet William and the palace thought that saying nothing was best.”

Will and Kate Sip Some Wine
Are Prince William and Kate Middleton planning to have a fourth child? That’s the conclusion some fans have reached based on the couple’s recent behavior. (Photo via Getty)

Quinn doesn’t deny the Harry angle but he says the biggest issue with the Waleses has been the lack of privacy they’ve endured in the months since the Queen’s death.

“The big stress for William and Kate is that they’re constantly surrounded by palace aides,” Quinn says.

“When he gets annoyed with Kate, his aides can tell by the way he talks to her.”

Prince William and Kate Middleton at 10 Years
Will and Kate in a rare PDA moment. (Photo via Instagram)

Despite their recent rough patch, however, Will and Kate do not consider divorce an option, and the Princess of Wales has reportedly become an expert at soothing her husband’s short temper.

“Kate has a way of de-escalating things with her Zen-like presence,” says one palace source.

“When William and Kate got married, they took their vows to heart. They are proud of their marriage, and they both want to see it last.”

Of course, they agreed to stay together in sickness and in health, but their vows probably didn’t say anything about a brother-in-law’s salacious memoir!

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